‘Turn yourselves in now!‘: Trump says vandals who defaced Washington Square Park statues face 10 years in prison

President Trump weighed in on the masked vandals who threw paint-filled balloons at two statues of George Washington in Greenwich Village, calling the duo “anarchists” who will face up to 10 years in prison when they are caught.
“We are tracking down the two Anarchists who threw paint on the magnificent George Washington Statue in Manhattan,” Trump tweeted Tuesday morning. “We have them on tape. They will be prosecuted and face 10 years in Prison based on the Monuments and Statues Act.”
“Turn yourselves in now!” the president demanded.
The duo were caught on surveillance video lobbing balloons filled with red paint at two statues of the nation’s first president.
The statues are part of the iconic arch in Greenwich Village’s Washington Square park. One statue depicts Washington as a general in the Revolutionary War; the other showing his first term as commander in chief.
A woman on a CitiBike acted as lookout as the two men threw the paint bombs at the statues about 3:20 a.m. Monday, officials said.