1,800 MTA Heroes help keep the NYC subway system running safely and efficiently
This week’s group of MTA heroes helps keep the trains running safely and efficiently across the five boroughs.
This week reporters and the MTA are proud to recognize the more than 1,800 employees of the Department of Subways Signals Division.
The Signals team plays a crucial role in allowing trains to operate safely and efficiently through the subway system.
And with a subway system as large as New York City’s, the signaling system is just as large and complex.
The group maintains over 10,000 signals that have been installed across the system over many decades, ranging from legacy electromechanical systems to modern Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC) equipment and software.
The essential work they perform is multifold – maintaining signal lights, train detection circuits, automatic train stops, switch lock movements, interlocking plants, electric and compressed air power networks, and the latest CBTC system.
Those who have worked with members of the Signals department are always impressed by their professionalism, technical knowledge, and dedication to their jobs.
Thank you to each and every Signals employee for the essential work you do to keep our trains running all day, every day.