World Trade Center Health Program adds uterine cancer to list of 9/11-related illnesses
Officials announced Wednesday that uterine cancer will now be added to the World Trade Center Health Program’s list of illnesses related to 9/11.
This means women who lived, worked or were first responders near Ground Zero can apply for medical coverage and financial compensation.
The shift will ensure that people like Cheryl Hall will receive medical care they not only need but deserve.
“I feel like, if men had a uterus, that it would have been at the top of the list…I’m just keeping it real,” Hall said.
Hall was working for Con Edison near the towers on September 11th.
“We could see the bottom of the plane, went diagonally going into the building,” Hall said.
She continued working in Lower Manhattan but was concerned about all the toxins in the air. Over the next few years she started getting sick and in 2021 was diagnosed with uterine cancer.
Last April, the mother of six had surgery followed by radiation and more treatment.
October 12 of 2022 was Hall’s final round of chemo and now the 57-year-old is celebrating what many say will address a critical gap in coverage for women who sacrificed so much on and after 9/11.
“I was elated, I was just so excited it finally came through,” Hall.
Women who are eligible through the World Trade Center Health Program will get treatment with no out-of-pocket costs and screening for other cancers.
Hall said she considers this a win for all.
“People have been working on this for years to help out people like me,” she said.
Only 23% of the members of 9/11 program are women.
Anyone who was previously denied eligibility will likely be able to reapply.
Uterine cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women.