Watch group of 17 teens wanted for ransacking Queens restaurant squeeze into elevator

There is new video of a group of teens wanted for ransacking a Queens restaurant over the weekend.
Surveillance video shows the group squeezing into an elevator – all 17 of them.
The manager at Fish Village in College Point said the teenagers all ran inside the restaurant Saturday morning, said nothing, and started trashing the place.
“He said he don’t know what happened, why they gonna do him like that. It feels scary,” said manager Tony Hu through a translator.
Video from a customer shows complete chaos ensuing inside the restaurant as the masked teens flipped tables, threw chairs, and smashed dishes leaving a trail of destruction behind.
This video is going viral on WeChat. Fish Village, a restaurant in College Point, Qns was ransacked by a gang of masked kids in hoodies.
We’ve fallen so low that there’s no expectation of consequences for this horrific attack on private property.
— Yiatin Chu (@ycinnewyork) March 7, 2023
Hu described the teens as mostly Asian and some Hispanic. He said about 30 customers were inside at the time.
Officials say the group didn’t use any weapons or take any property with them.
The restaurant is estimating the damage will cost $20,000.
So far no arrests have been made.