Suspect who fatally struck 86-year-old woman in August surrenders to police

The suspect who fatally struck an 86-year-old woman pushing a cart in Williamsburg in August surrendered to police Tuesday morning.
Luis Sanchez-Gutierrez, 28, is charged with manslaughter, criminally negligent homicide, leaving the scene of an accident and reckless driving, among other charges, in connection to the Aug. 21 crash.
Authorities say he ran a red light then left the scene, forcing detectives to track him down.
The family of the victim, 86-year-old Agutina Muniz, will be there when the suspect is walked.
The victim had no identification on her at the time she was fatally struck, which was just the start of the family’s nightmare.
The family, who has members in law enforcement, is hoping for some closure with Tuesday morning’s arrest.