Subway booth agents to provide customer service on platforms in NYC

The MTA announced that recently phased-out token booth agents will provide customer service on platforms.
Three new customer service centers will soon open in the subway system.
They will be located at Fulton Center in Manhattan, Roosevelt Ave-Jackson Heights 7th Street station in Queens, and at Myrtle Wyckoff Ave station in Brooklyn.
They will help customers complete transactions that they used to have to go to MTA Headquarters to complete.
This will help New Yorkers navigate the train system. There are now a total of nine customer service center around the city.
The new customer service agents will provide service outside the booths and on the platforms starting Thursday.
“Our station agents who have been in those booths in our stations for many decades are coming out of the booth this Thursday. So for the very first time, our agents’ primary responsibilities will be to provide customer service outside of their booths,” said Richard Davey, NYC Transit President. “You might see them in there from time to time to do some work, but the principal responsibility will be outside which is great. People will probably see it around morning rush hour. So, that’s the goal.”
As for the booths, they’ll still be around. Agents will use the booths for administrative duties.