Search on for person who dumped 4-foot-long alligator in Prospect Park

A sick 4-foot-long alligator was caught on Sunday in Brooklyn and officials are looking for the person responsible.
A member of the Prospect Park maintenance staff spotted the gator in the lake.
The Parks Department says the alligator was lethargic, perhaps because of the cold. It was also in poor condition.
“Parks are not suitable homes for animals not indigenous to those parks-domesticated or otherwise,” an official with NYC Parks said. “In addition to the potential danger to park goers this could have caused, releasing non-indigenous animals or unwanted pets can lead to the elimination of native species and unhealthy water quality. In this case the animal was found very lethargic and possibly cold shocked since it is native to warm, tropical climates.”
Officials captured the gator and transported it to ACC. It was then transported to the Bronx Zoo for rehabilitation.
Police are trying to figure out who dumped the gator.
Releasing animals in New York City Parks is illegal. If you see an abandoned animal, the best thing to do is leave the animal where it is and call 311 or locate an Urban Park Ranger in the park.
Urban Park Rangers respond to around 500 reports of animal conditions per year citywide.